Call Us: 7783210320





Let us introduce you to the XXI. Century technology.

The successful solutions of cessation is not commonly known, but it can't be a problem for you. This is a 90% efficient cessation method, which allows you to reach the point, you no longer want the cigarette!


You can sucessfully escape from smoking in a short time.

You can live a healthier, more harmonious life. In addition people in your environment are not exposed the harm of passive smoking.

Bring the decision that changes your life! Decide when you want to be treated. If you do not want to continue to smoke, then the solution is here!

The treatment goes in a quiet environment. Easy electrode placement, no need to remove clothing. There is no pain and no discomfort. There are no side effect.

During the cessation we use a half-smoked cigarette, analyze it, and provide you a personalized, nicotine neutralizing, additction terminating treatment, which takes only 30-40 minutes. We provide the necessary advice that is relevant to the difficulties of lifestyle change.


Any questions, just give us a call!